Wednesday 16 November 2011


Dear Friends and Family!

Another week in the life of Nicola Hill! Haha well it's nice to share a bit of my life through my blog posts and keep you updated of what's going on.

This is one of the bible verses that has been on my heart the past week. It's actually my favourite verse in the bible because it shows how we should treat people. I found a blog post someone wrote on it too which was really good!
Matthew 5: 43-48. "You have heard that is was said, 'You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.'

This was one of my songs of the day the past week because actually as I was working it popped in to my head I was singing it but no one heard me (good for them lol).

On Friday the 11th our most regular guest in the hotel passed away in a car accident. It was a sad day for us as he really was a part of the hotel and everyone knew him. He was a very unique man and he had his own style and way about him. On that day I got reminded of this, "Life is precious, cherish yours! Accidents happen and in the blink of an eye someone can be gone." In the evening I went out to a pub for drinks with friends after work.

On Saturday the 12th (this is the reason for my blog title) - it was exactly 1 month until I go to.... PARIS :D! I'm going there for about 3 days. When I was in Zim I always dreamed of travelling and seeing the world and Paris has always been my number one destination and now I am finally getting the opportunity to go there! All thanks to God, He is really good, I've had so many things happen that I only dreamed about. I'm trying to learn a bit of French before I go, I do some because I studied it for a year in school but when I was 13. Sometimes I hear my French accent and I think if the French hear me, they may kick me out of France lol. I'm actually very intrigued by languages at the moment and there are so many I want to learn!

I got Sunday night off which was nice, I needed the rest and I'd been to Exeter earlier. By Tuesday (yesterday) I had actually only had 15 hours sleep in 3 days and I could feel it! Today I woke up after a really good nights sleep and the difference is amazing.

On Monday I had one of the best departure days (where most of the guests leave the hotel, busy day for housekeepers) I finished my rooms quite quickly :)!

Yesterday I went to Exeter and had an awesome time at Boston Tea Party (my 1st time there) catching up with a friend. In the evening I was hanging out with one of my friends and talking to others about Paris and I really can't wait for December now lol!

And as I've mentioned in my last post there is a sea of decisions heading my way. Last night my mind felt like a wave of confusion. I've had so much on my mind but we have an awesome God so I am sure I will figure it out :).

This bible verse is my verse for today, it's very fitting.
"Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths." ~Proverbs 3: 5-6

With that I shall love and leave you until I write again,
Keep in touch,

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