Sunday 7 April 2013

May you all be having a good month ;)! hehe

Dear all you wonderful people!

Welcome to the blog of my life in the Uk. It costs 1p per word to read this blog. Payment can be made... Relax I am only joking.

I left you last with my news up to the 2nd of May. And there is no news since then. So this is the end of this post. I am only joking again, it's impossible for me not to have news because every day of our lives should be an adventure.

So I just finished updating my skype, I know that is such fascinating news... Moving on, as you can see I am in a very sense of humour mood today :).

Sometimes in life you find out things and you think "Oh..." and then it turns out so differently to how you expected, in a good way. Well that happened to me this week with one of our guests who actually turned out to be one of the most fascinating people I have spoken too. And again this goes to show God works wonders in your life.

I found an online Karaoke program which I really enjoyed and even put a couple of my recorded songs on facebook. Not that I can sing, I did describe my voice on my profile as sounding like someone scratching their nails down a chalkboard. Haha. Singing is not my talent but I absolutely love music and I have such an appreciation for music. I'm a HUGE music fan. In high school they gave me the nickname Dj Gomo which is Shona and it means Dj Hill because I was always playing music.

A few months ago I discovered two amazing up and coming artists and I'm going to share a song from each of the two with you. They both have beautiful voices and I have been totally amazed by their songs.

Below listen to Suzi Oravec who has one song available to buy and she actually has an album coming out soon and I've already pre ordered it.

And is Veronica Ballestrini whose first album was released in 2009 and she has a second album coming out. I have bought a lot of her songs off Itunes. I got asked to do something for a fan video for her and I made a funny youtube video for her. I will post the link to it later or just go check out my youtube channel, the link is on my facebook.

I have no doubt God has got great things in store for them. They are both promoting their music. If you like music, I would say these are two singers who will remind you why music is so wonderful, you can go have a listen if you want. Thank God I found them online.

On the 5th of May I noticed that my twitter @sayingsoftheday has more followers than I have facebook friends which is brilliant. I originally created this twitter because my late grandmother gave me a whole lot of sayings she translated from Greek and had typed out on a typewriter and she found then all on old Greek Calendars and so I wanted to have a twitter with all the sayings to have an online record. I typed them all out in a word document, there are over 400 sayings. Then people began to follow and wrote to me and told me how much they love the quotes and so I decided to make it a twitter for quotes I like and for the sayings my grandmother gave me and so sayings of the day began officially. I started on the 15th of August 2009. This is the link if you'd like to have a look -!/sayingsoftheday

On the 8th of May which was mothers day, I wrote a tribute to my mother which I have already posted on my blog (it's the blog post before this one) and on her group which I created in memory of her on facebook. What a wonderful thing a mother is, you should cherish your mothers.

 I curled my hair for the day with a friends hair curler that I will be buying off her. Here is a pic from the 8th of May.

And here is a pic of us a farewell party I went to in Exeter.

On Monday the 9th of May I listened to this song over and over literally in all my free time the whole day! God is amazing!

I also went for a run/ walk with a friend on the beach. I am trying to get back in to my running. It's so wonderful to run again. I might have written about it before but I couldn't run for about 8 months since about June last year because I fell running and injured my ankle but by God's goodness and people's prayers it has healed and so I can do the thing I love again and run. It was a run/ walk because we are still getting fit haha.

And these are the verses that stood out to me:

‎"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us."
~ Ephesians 1: 7-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God - not because of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2: 8-10. And my obeservation of this one is: "It's wonderful that God has a plan for each of us. By God's grace through faith he saved us because we were created by Him for a purpose and we should walk with God to find our purpose. And how we are all His workmanship created individually by Him."

‎"and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3: 17-19

‎"Therefore, putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbour, for we are members of one another. Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger and give no opportunity to the devil." ~ Ephesian 4: 25-28.

Today has been my off day. I spent the morning sleeping of course and later walking around Sidmouth. I am getting excited about what is happening in under two weeks time. I know I still haven't mentioned my big news on my blog but I will, it will definitely get mentioned I am just not sure when. Maybe when it happens in about two weeks. Some of you already know my news or most of you I have spoken to do but I just can't officially announce it or put it in writing just yet. :)))

Tomorrow is departure day, which is a very busy day for us in housekeeping. We have about 2 departure days a week sometimes even more but we are used to it. I do like my job and my life here in the Uk. It's amazing how when you let God help you and guide you in your life how he turns your whole life around. And there are some really cool things that happen each day, I think "God wow how brilliant that wonderful things not matter how big or how small continually happen each day."

I will leave you with this blog post for now. Always remember I love hearing from people too whether I know you well or not. I love sharing my life and I love reading or listening about yours. I love connecting with people.

Love to you all,
God Bless,
Nicola Hill