Monday 18 April 2011

What I did on my 22nd Birthday (14th April)! :D :)))

Dear all you special people!

So here it is, I'm 22 years old as of the 14th of April. Which as I have mentioned in previous blog posts is also the day the Titanic started sinking. I would consider this as me now being an adult because I'd say up to 21 you're still fairly young, not even legal to drink in some countries. So from 22 onwards your adult journey begins, well mine does anyway. 22 is still young though, yes it is, I'm saying this especially to those people who called me ancient on my birthday (namely my sister haha) I'm joking I know my friends and family love teasing me and I'm a big teaser too :P! Actually wait forget it I am old ;just kidding. They say your in your twenties you have some of the best times in your life. Well I can say from this year that could be true, this year got off to a fantastic start and it has continued to rock on haha :)!

I luckily had the day off on my birthday, my birthday fell on my day off so how awesome was that! I woke up on Thursday morning, well actually I had not really been sleeping properly to begin with because from after midnight on Thursday people were writing on my facebook wall and I get all facebook notifications on my blackberry. It was wonderful it really meant a lot to those of you who wished me a happy birthday by facebook, or skype, or emails or phone calls. Thank you very much for your birthday wishes! I actually spent quite a while sitting in the staff room replying everyone and I skyped and phoned people throughout the day.

The absolute highlight of my birthday was some absolutely incredibly wonderfully awesome news that someone told me! It was the best birthday present ever! However I shall be keeping you in suspense until a certain time this month, some of you already know.

In the evening of my birthday I went out with one of my friends for drinks and then later I invited all the staff out for drinks after work and so almost all of us went to a pub and we had an awesome time :)! And yes for those of you that know me well there are photos, here are some of the pictures :). In fact all the staff joke now whenever we do something they say it will be on facebook later because they know I always update my facebook with pictures and I write what I'm doing lol :P! In fact today a couple of my friends said something like we will always know what is going on with you Nicola because it will be on facebook. Haha I just love these sites and blogs and things because I can update everyone at once and include everyone in on my life :-)!

I'M 22 Y'ALL :-)!

I am so blessed with such amazing friends and family and I am blessed by getting to know and meet new people too. I love adding people to my life and keeping in touch with those I know.

Thank God at 22 I support myself, I am settled in England, I have a good job and amazing friends in the Uk! And each new day brings something special! Each person in my life is someone special!

I have even more news but I wont write it all tonight because I have to do this thing called sleep haha and I have to get up early for work tomorrow but I will update the rest of what followed after my birthday soon so stay tuned ;)!

By the way if you don't know already know you can subscribe to my blog by email if that would be easier for you because I added a subscription link. Just look on the right hand side of my blog and where it says "Follow by email" type in your email address and click "Submit" and voila you will be following my blog if you want :)!.

Thank you all for bringing so much joy in to my life and for being my friend,
Love you guys always,
God Bless,
Nicola Hill

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